Doora’s Explorings is a completely peer-funded journey. Without the help and kindness of the Earthen Ring server I wouldn’t get anywhere! As part travelogue, part social experiment, Doora needs YOU (neither for the army, nor to prevent forest fires) to help her achieve her goal. You lose a lot of income when you swear off combat, so I’m accepting donations of every caliber for armor upgrades, training, and flight expenses. A potion here, a buff there – every little bit helps!
So why a druid, you ask? Well, being a steward of nature is fitting for Doora’s peace-loving ways. But moreover, our furry feral friends are master escape artists. When venturing into areas wildly beyond my power level, I’m going to be doing an awful lot of fleeing. That settled, here’s the good stuff.
Baby’s first quest. Elune works in mysterious ways.
So a bit of clarification here. Doora is a pacifist character, but that doesn’t stop her from completing quests that don’t involve bloodshed. Often, of course, rampaging monstrosities guard mission objectives – but by clever avoidance, or by nibbling at the table scraps of less scrupled adventurers, she can do her duty after all.
The first day’s trials led Doora to eschew her native Teldrassil in favor of less-purple climates. Remember that in order to get full rewards from low-level quests, you have to complete them before progressing too far – otherwise their experience (XP) value depreciates. For the layman, this experience is a sort of mathematical limit on your digital avatar’s proficiency. You need 400 XP to go from level one to level two, for instance, and once you do your character becomes stronger, able to withstand more punishment. Thus you’re constantly progressing, but so too are your enemies.
The journey begins
Because Doora refuses to slaughter the natives for experience, she’s of course going to be lagging behind substantially. The run between the Elf and Dwarf zones is an inaugural trial-by-fire, the Wetlands being infested with devilish crocolisks. But with adversity comes random acts of kindness. It’s a package deal.
Thank you, Aahzz! Your valor is such that I’m willing to overlook the alpha and the omega in your namesake.
Slain and resurrected more than a few times on my journey (death being little more than an inconvenience in Azeroth), I made my way from one newb zone to the next. Though not before suffering a little verbal sparring.
Doora’s fame (or infamy) has begun to spread. I now advertise upon entering new areas! Just don’t take the opportunity to ridicule her. Every epic adventure starts with a little heraldry.
Next time – Dwarfland!
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